
What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a hands-on therapy utilising a mixture of techniques including osteopathic adjustments – these are fast, gentle joint releases which can make an audible pop, Massage, balancing of joints, postural realignment techniques as well as exercise prescription.

Osteopathy approach is suitable for all ages who suffer from pain, tackling complaints ranging from sports and work-related injuries to arthritis, sciatica and migraines visit an osteopath.

The Osteopath’s treatment is led by a in depth assessment where the therapist will be looking at the body as a whole to establish how the injury happened and whether there were any underlying issues that need addressing. The aim of treatment is to correct imbalances and restrictions in the body which is causing you pain.

There has been a significant increase in painful conditions that are caused by poor posture and repetitive strain, often through prolonged positioning with compromised postures such as sitting at a desk for 7-10 hours a day.

The osteopath’s role is to improve the patient’s function and mobility as well as providing education on how to prevent future problems.

Neck & Lower Back Pain
Back Strain

What to expect on your first visit to an osteopath.

  • A warm and friendly welcome and a genuine interest in the root cause of your issues
  • Treating your problem by assessing your body as a whole and understanding that your body’s structure and function are mutually interdependent.
  • Advice and education as well as hands on treatment to facilitate your recovery. An understanding of the problem and the likely path to full health or improved function.

Meet our expert

Do you think you need to see an Osteopath?

If so, then you are certainly not alone. At Recover Physio & Wellbeing Clinic, Tom is our dedicated osteopath who treats men and women who are frustrated with the impact their health is having on their quality of life, preventing them from doing the things that they love.

Tom is a graduate from the European School of Osteopathy and draws from a diverse manual therapy toolkit to support patients on their journeys to recovery. Osteopathy dramatically helped Tom recover from a debilitating neck injury when he was 16, and ultimately helped him to reach his goal of swimming the 26km Gibraltar Strait a year later.

Tom has additional training in rehabilitation for dizziness, as well as headache management. He also works as a Lecturing Assistant at the European School of Osteopathy.

Tom Andrews
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    Conditions that Osteopaths regularly treat which are supported by research:

    • Back pain, gluteal pain and sciatica

    • Neck and shoulder pain, muscle pain, elbow and knee problems

    • Whiplash

    • Arthritic Pain

    • Tension Headaches and Migraines

    • Sports injuries

    • Postural problems through prolonged sitting at a desk or driving

    • Repetitive strain injuries